Approx. 190 kcal / 19 g protein / 12 g fat / 5 g carbohydrates
The information of nutritional, using Kühne products, are calculated based on the nutrition program of Unical.
The nutritional values given are approximate and should be taken as a guide.
1. Wash the orange in hot water and wipe dry. Remove the peel with a zester and finely chop, then squeeze the juice. Rinse the herbs and shake dry. Pluck the needles or leaves and finely chop. Chop the pistachios.
2. Mash the feta with a fork and mix with the cream cheese. Add enough orange juice until the mixture has a creamy consistency. Add the orange peel, herbs and pistachios. Season with aceto balsamico, pepper and a little salt as desired.
3. Pitta bread strips or vegetable sticks make a fantastic accompaniment. The dip also tastes great with baked potatoes or country potatoes.